Hi There!

I am known on a lot of Sims messageboards as "Annoree", and I have been producing custom Sims for the gaming community since 2000; most well-known being my "Sailor Moon" collection.

I created this little blog in 2010 in order to host all of the Sims I have created over the years in one place, as and when I can find them on my hard drives. I hope you enjoy the uploads!

29 August 2011

Sims 3 Downloads > Mass Effect > Asari Genetics Set

Annoree's Asari Genetics Set (AAGS) a.k.a. "Asari for Everyone!"

Asari are the all-female alien race from Bioware's masterpiece series Mass Effect.  I think they're great, and I really wanted some in my Sims 3 game ... so I made AAGS!

See the problems I encountered (and overcame!) whilst creating the hair for this set! [Click here]!

Terms of Use
Read it if you'd like to modify/re-upload/use my creations in videos and images and all that. It's really short :)

Items in This Set 
 These files are inside the .rar downloads at the bottom of this post.

amd-AsariSkintone-001.package - This is the non-default (ie won't turn all your Sims blue) skin tone file for AAGS. It's a whopper at 29MB, but in there are Asari skin textures for every kind of Sim;  Baby, Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Elder, male and female.  Teen-Elder females have nipples, but other than that they're Barbie-style.  The textures are bump-mapped to give the scales more depth.  Comes in a variety of hues - I've picked out some main ones below:

Some facial close-ups:

This skin tone is also compatible with the muscle definition slider in Nightlife:

amd-AsariHair-001.package - The female Teen-Elder hair mesh and texture for AAGS.  This enables your female Asari to have their signature head tentacles. It is set to be disabled for random Sims (Sims the game creates and moves to your neighbourhood won't ever have this hair. I know you don't want tentacle heads everywhere).  It is set to be enabled for naked, but sometimes the tentacles change to hair when Sims have a shower/bath (see the Technical Tips section below to fix it).  The texture is bump-mapped to give the scales more depth.  This file is REQUIRED if you download any of my other Asari hair meshes.

amd-AsariHair-001-TODDLER.package - My Asari head tentacles converted for toddlers.  Male and Female.  Requires amd-AsariHair-001.package to work!

amd-AsariHair-001-CHILD.package - Asari head tentacles converted for, yep you guessed it, children.  Male and Female.  Requires amd-AsariHair-001.package to work!

amd-AsariHair-001-MALE.package - Thanks to the advances of genetic engineering, you can now create MALE Asari!  Here are the original head tentacles converted for males aged Teen-Elder.  Requires amd-AsariHair-001.package to work!

Hair coloured to show customisable areas (Red=roots, Green=main, Blue=tips, Magenta=highlights):

Bonus download! Aria_T'Voni.sim - I've made an example Sim using AAGS, which is especially useful if you have no slider hacks in your game so cannot make the ears disappear.  Change her appearance/age/sex to your heart's content, but don't touch the ear sliders if you want her ears to stay Asari-style!  She's packaged with no make-up and base game clothing, and can be found in the Female Young Adult category of the Pre-Made Sims section in CAS.  Be aware that this download is only the Sim, it doesn't include the skin tone or hair mesh.
Aria T'Voni, ready for service!

Technical Tips
To see my non-default skin tone in-game, you can use Rez's UI mod if you have it (it's been removed from MTS), or if you have a mouse wheel you can just scroll down when you're selecting a skin tone, and as long as your game's up to date you'll see colour swatches for all the custom ones you have.  AAGS's skin tone has a dark blue coloured swatch and when you click on it you'll see the words "Annoree - Asari" on the tone ramp:

To make full use of AAGS, I highly recommend downloading the Master Controller from [NRaas].  This will let you set the gender of your Asari children before they're born (to female if you're going for true Asari realism), change the appearance of any Sim whenever you like and a whole host of other goodies to alter your playing experience.
Fix the head tentacles-changing-to-hair glitch with Master Controller!  If your Sim changes to naked and their tentacles turn into hair, pause the game and click on your Sim.  Open up the Master Controller menu and go to stylist.  Change the hair of your naked Sim to tentacles, then press OK.  All will be good :)
In order to get the earless appearance of my Asari, I use the slider hacks included with Extended Game Core to shrink them into non-existence.  MTS has taken EGC's page offline at the moment, but you can probably do similar things with other hacks and possibly [AwesomeMod] (I've never used AwesomeMod myself so I don't know).

Known Issues
► The skin texture on babies (not toddlers) is the same file as used for their eyes, and so changes colour when the skin colour does.  So, if you have a blue baby Asari she will have blue-hued eyes, when she's purple her eyes will have a purple tinge etc.  I can't find a way to fix this right now, but it is kind of cool at the same time.
► Sometimes when a Sim changes to naked, their head tentacles will change to hair.  Read the Technical Tips section above to fix this.
► When a Sim ages up their tentacles will often revert to hair.  This can be easily fixed with any mirror or with Master Controller to change their hair back.

Possible Future Projects Linked to AAGS
► Makeup/face paint sets based on the face markings that many Asari have in Mass Effect.
► Tooth overlays with distinctive Asari-style gaps between the teeth.  Sims' default teeth are too perfect!

I used [HP's Skin Replacements] and EAxis originals as bases for the skin textures.
Special thanks go to MentalFloss for their [Reptile Scale Brushes], which I used while painting my Asari skin.

Installation Instructions
► Get an extractor program that can unpack .rar files!  For example, [WinRAR]. 
To install .package files (hair, skin tone etc), unzip them and put them into your "Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages" folder.
If you haven't set up a Mod folder, please read how to do this at [this website]!  
To install .sim files (downloaded Sim characters), unzip them and put them into your "Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims" folder.  
For a more in-depth explanation visit [this website]

Download Links
Nothing should require expansion packs, but I cannot guarantee this 100%.
Before posting problems, please make sure you've read the Technical Tips, Known Issues and Installation Instructions above!  Cheers m'dears :)

[amd-AsariSkintone-001.rar] (13.7 MB) 
Skin tone .package file.
[amd-AsariHair-001.rar] (3.75 MB) 
Female Teen-Elder hair (head tentacles) .package file. Required for any of the other Asari hair files to work.
[amd-AsariHair-001TODDLER.rar] (204 KB) 
Male and female Toddler hair (head tentacles) .package file. Requires amd-AsariHair-001.rar to work.
Male and female Child hair (head tentacles) .package file. Requires amd-AsariHair-001.rar to work.
Male Teen-Elder hair (head tentacles) .package file. Requires amd-AsariHair-001.rar to work.
[amd-AriaTvoni.rar] (138 KB) 
Female Young Adult example Sim created using AAGS.  Useful if you have no slider hacks for ears. Requires amd-AsariSkintone-001.rar and amd-AsariHair-001.rar to show up as in the screenshots above.

Please let me know what you think, and if everything works :)


  1. I've been looking for something like this forever!
    Thank you!
    You ever think of making Turians?

  2. You're welcome! Turians might be a little challenging, but I suppose the head could be an accessory or something :3 Maybe when I have time I could look into this some more :)

    1. Your mediafire links are down now, where can I find the mod please ?

    2. i am also looking to get ahold of this mod would love to play with a asari sim character

  3. Thank you so so much for this! I've been looking all over the internet for sims 3 mass effect stuff, and finding pretty much nothing. I will second the desire for turians! Though that would be way hard, I'm sure. Thank you again! :D

  4. Please make a Turian mesh.



    2. pssst... there are no male Asari :)

    3. I think she realized that there are none in the ME-verse, but wanted to create the Mesh for Sims users anyway. :)

    4. I would actually ask/beg/request/suggest a set of genetics from the Twi'leks of Star Wars, myself. I would love to have a game set in Lunar Lakes with a bunch of different alien sims. All in all, though, lovely work. This is definitely getting used in my game.

    5. TURIAN MESH OMG YES. Im making a Sims ME family and Garrus is a must since mah shepard needs her husband :)

    6. Can I get in on the begging for the Turians, as well? I have always refused to do paysites but I might have to buy a month if it gets me those!

  5. Brilliant! very well done!

  6. Thank you for these! Brilliant! :D <3 ME

  7. Thank you all for your comments, it means a lot! :D

  8. This is lovely work, thank you...

  9. Wunderschön, vielen Dank und viel Glück bei den Turianern
    super arbeit <3

  10. OMG thank you it's awesome! I've been looking for mass effect stuff for the sims. I second the Turian mesh also would love to see a Drell ;).

  11. Amazing.. I would love to see a Quarian mesh. :)

    1. That would be pretty awesome. Although I could see this being done through an outfit :D
      I want a Turian and a Quarian mesh for reals.

  12. A wonderful work! Hey I'm crazy for Mass Effect species in The Sims 3 so if you is planning in do more of this I will be really greatful, and of course I will download and thank you all along ;D

    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I don't speak(text) to well kkkk

  13. Sorry I published above but I forgot to put my name kkkkk

  14. This is amazing! Think you could give Drell a shot? I have a strange love for Thane lol.

  15. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now I can finally have that happy-end with "marriage, old age and lots of little blue children" :)

  16. Marry me!
    Jokes aside, this looks plain brilliant. I was hoping for somthing like this for a very long time now. Yay for blue aliens :)
    Thank you for your work, it looks brilliant.

  17. Please make Turians and krogan and drell would be forever gratefull

  18. OMG this this awesome! And I have to second the anons about turian and krogan Sims. Liara is an awesome start for my ME-sims collection. Now I'll be off romancing her with my fem!Shep Sim. Yay!
    And please, expand the awesomeness not only to turian and krogan but to salarian (Mooooooorrdin!! And Kirrahe!) please! With sugar, cream and cherry on top. I'd love you forever. <3

    1. I agree with u MORE MORDIN!!!

  19. Wow! These are really cool!

    Finally some ME themed CC for Sims 3! Squeee!

    But I have a question regarding how the mesh was created, how did you get the skintone to be the scalp's texture?

    The thing is I wanted to give the drell a go when I have the time (and skill), and that particular piece of knowledge would come in handy!

    1. Hi! :) If I can remember, the skintone was quite simple (compared to the hair mesh mishaps I ran into lol): I created the skintone in the regular way you make Sim skintones, but painted it appropriately with scales. I then used NVIDIA Texture Tools to create a normal map so that the skin would appear textured on the Sim. That part was fun :D Although I haven't really seen anyone using bumpmaps on skintones before, I guess not many people have highly textured skin!

  20. I am absolutely in love with this, it is the best work of a sim mod i've seen in my days of looking. I hope that you could possibly create more alien races in the future, even if they aren't Mass Effect related.

    Though wouldn't mind the other races from ME lol

    1. Aww thank you so much! Well if I ever get time I would love to do some more work on alienating Sims 3 haha xD

  21. Hi Andria, I Must say this is the best Sim CC I have seen! and would love to use it but have run into a little problem. I click on the links to download your items but the site wont load. Is there anything you can do to help? Everywhere i look to try and download from links me back to here so am stuck atm.

    Would love to see some more of the Races from ME! The Salarians would be cool to try!

  22. Ignore the part about not being able to download, Turned out there was a prob with the site. Have been able to download them now!

    Keep up the Great work and thanks for the Asari CC!

  23. wahoooouu it's amazing

  24. o kurwa !!!!! amazing

  25. Love it! <3

  26. Oh my god... It's awesome! <3
    Oh, great creator with golden hands! I beg you condescend to my request...
    You are wizard with yours hands! I'm sure, that you can very good and qualitatively make the skin tone for Drell. Why don't you try do it? I would be very grateful to you, if you will. And, I think, will be grateful not just me, because so many people love Thane, in particular, and Drells, in general.

    With respect to you, SeeMara.

    P.S.: Just in case, I leave for you my email (seemara@mail.ru)
    If you will make the skin tone for Drell, tell me, please.

  27. Wow I love this, but how can I make them default replacements?
    As in I really want all my sims to turn blue! ;)

  28. Oh my god I think I love you. This is beyond awesome, thanks!
    Also I would like to see a Quarian/Turian mesh if it's possible :D

  29. This is very awesome :) I hope you consider doing more Mass Effect stuff :)

  30. You linked a website that is supposed to give you info on making a mods folder but it doesn't even mention it. Do you just go into Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\
    and right click - new folder and name it mods and then another folder for packages or is there more to it?

  31. Hello!

    Thank you for this mods, I'm a huge fan of Mass Effect and I really love the Asari Race. I have a few suggestions though. First, you should replace the aliens from seasons into Asari, 2. You should also add a nude version aswell. I'm sure that a lot of people want to race the "Recommened Age" of the sims 3 to 18+ instead ;) 3. It would be great if you could do a Liara T'soni Sim. Keep up the good work and I liked your ideas aswell. :)

    1. It would also be really great if you could create some asari/mass effect clothes aswell. looks abit wierd with all human clothes. :D

    2. I second your request on adult skins and other anons request about ME style clothes.

  32. Love it. :) One question though, is it .package or .sims3? I have no idea how to do the .package one if it that.

  33. Great work but im just wondering, you still working on these? though im not a programmer in any capacity and i dont have any frame of reference for how long it takes to make these things, but the last mod i can find from you is from 2011. just wondering. been trying to find a way to download sims 2 only to get the quarian mod and would love to have one for sims 3 so i can get all these useless images and mounting software off my laptop.

    1. sorry. forgot to use my google account for the name

  34. Will you be doing Asari skins for The Sims 4?

    1. I certainly hope so. I was just going to ask the same thing.

  35. Wow! Thanks so much for this amazing set! I just ran into a problem with the tentacle hair though, for some reason it shows up as just a bald head in CAS. Any idea what the problem might be? Was working efore.

  36. Ever gonna make one without barbie dolled bottom? :3

    1. I found an accessory that I just recolored to solve that problem

  37. Files was removed by...the Entertainment Software Association? Are they acting on EA's behalf or something? Did they think this was material ripped directly from Mass Effect (it could be, but I doubt it)? Do they not realize this is a mod?
    Seriously, though-reupload this somewhere else and/or dispute the claim if you can.

  38. Yes reupload
    for this is Bullsh**

  39. Can you please upload your creation again? I really want it! It looks beautiful!

  40. Finally found an alternate archive including the files


    There are a few links to go through to get there but I figured this was the best way to be safe. It's a link to a page with a link to a YouTube video with a link to Mediafire. It has all the files included with it.

    1. Thank you, I know it's 3 years later but this link still works, while the OP still hasn't fixed her links. So happy I could get this

  41. Could you fix the links, they dont work anymore

  42. The links are down! Omg I really wanted this </3

  43. please! new links! i want this beautiful creation

  44. yeah please new links i really want to download this

  45. This is great. But can I have a version where it replaces the aliens on the Seasons expansion? Pretty please?

  46. I want download asari hair, but files doesn't exist :(

  47. I want download asari hair, but files doesn't exist, please, could you reupload?

  48. Any chance we could get this re-uploaded? Or is there a mirror download?

  49. Yes we need a reup

  50. I found them again just follow this link http://northwindsummit.blogspot.no/search/label/Mass%20Effect

  51. Yes But thats just Than Krios, I wanted the Skin and Hair of the Asarii

    1. Yes looked on there but you still can't get the head tentacles only skin tones

  52. Video w/working download link in description:

  53. The links don't seem to be working... :(

    1. Ask for these on modtheSim web, they usually now how to dowload stuff or even someone have it.

  54. All links are down, please fix, thank you.

  55. I'm not able to download, it keeps showing "I'm not able to download it, it keeps showing up"

  56. Hello all! I've found them! ( https://www.deviantart.com/popcornstar45/journal/General-Fantasy-Sci-fi-Cosmetics-and-Accessory-s-727767274 ) Go down to 'Skins' on the main post. Then look for 'Alien skin- (Asari Genetic sets (skin) by Annoree' and click the Download link there.

  57. It's an amazing post for all the online visitors; they will obtain advantage from it I am sure.

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Thank you for leaving a comment! Although I've enabled anyone to comment, I ask that you please please please write a name for yourself (even a silly one!) so I can tell who is who - it gets very confusing when everyone's "Anonymous"! Thank you again! :D

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